Awarding Body Registration
- Awarding Body Registration – ATHE 3 Certificate/ Diploma
Qualification Specification
- Qualification Specification – Level 3 Diploma
inHealth and Social Care
Module Structure
- ATHE Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care is a 60-credit qualification.
Learners must complete all 6 mandatory units.
1: Structure and Overview of the Health and Social Care
Sector (12 credits)
This unit aims to develop an understanding of the health and social care sector, its aims and purpose and the organisations that provide health and social care along with an awareness of current issues impacting the sector in a chosen country.
2: Principles, Values and Regulation in the Health and Social Care Sector (10 credits)
This unit aims to develop knowledge of the principles and values, and the legislation, regulations and guidance that underpin work in the health and social care sector in a chosen country.
3: Human Growth and Development
(05 credits)
This unit aims to develop an understanding of different areas of growth and development, and how each development area has an impact on the other.
4: Working in Health and Social Care (15 credits)
This unit aims to develop an understanding of the key features involved in delivering safe and consistent services in health and social care.
5: Research in Health and Social Care (10 credits)
This unit aims to develop essential academic and research skills required for working in the health and social care sector and to be able to formally present academic research findings, written and orally.
5: Personal and Professional Development in the Health and Social Care Sector
(08 credits)
This unit aims to develop the skills and knowledge required to plan and implement own personal and professional development for further study or work in the health and social care sector and for future reflective practice.
- Assessment is via assignment submission only.
- No Exams.